Weight loss – not a war anymore

The more the society develops, the more people pay attention to their body. So the wave of losing weight and staying in shape become more strongly and dratically than ever. Everyone  wants to have great figure, a healthy body while can still enjoy food as much as possible.  This likely impossible paradox will turn into possible when people invented cassava noodles.

The secret hidden in those fragrant noodles is the high ratio of complex Carbohydrates. Each 100 gramms noodles contains up to 90% slowly digestive Carbohydrates, a big amount of fiber and bunch of necessary minerals, but very little fat (0.3%). Not like normal diet food, cassava noodles provides full energy to the body, remains full feeling in long time, which minimizes the need for extra chips and snack.

It is made 100% from pure cassava flour without any chemicals and then dried under hot sunshine to absorb great source of vitamin D from the sun. All of that make those noodles become an extremely safe and delicious food. It’s gluten free and very friendly with the stomach. In addition, cassava noodles can help to prevent heart diseases, lower bad blood cholesterol and are strongly recommended to diabetic people. By using this tasty-healthy-cheap food, the campaign to lose weight, stay fit and take care of the health will just be like a piece of cake.

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